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books for small business owners

10 Books for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, reading books can provide valuable insights, inspiration, and practical advice to help you navigate the challenges and achieve success. Here are ten must-read books for small business owners: “The Lean Startup” by Eric Ries This book introduces the concept of lean methodology and helps entrepreneurs build and grow successful businesses …

8 Effective Ways For Business Owners to Network

Networking is a crucial part of building a successful business. By connecting with others, you can gain access to valuable resources, build relationships, and generate new opportunities. However, for some business owners, networking can be challenging, especially if they’re not sure where to start. The following are eight effective ways for business owners to network. …

organizing your business

10 Tips For Organizing Your Business

When I need motivation to focus on organizing, I like to think of the following quote: “For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned.” Anonymous Organizing not only saves you time, but it can help reduce stress and increase productivity. There’s just something refreshing about feeling organized. Here are 10 tips to help you …

Tax Tips for Canadian Small Businesses

It’s tax season and that means it’s time to pull out those receipts and organize your numbers for your small business. Having worked as a tax preparer in the past, I know how confusing it can be to file business taxes. Although I no longer prepare tax returns for anyone other than myself, I thought …

10 Helpful Ways to Rock Your Small Business

Running a small business is a combination of the most joy you’ll ever have at work, and the worst stress you’ll ever feel. There will be many times you question yourself along the way, but nothing can beat the rewards. Here are 10 things to keep in mind along your business journey. 1. Develop a …