coaching contract template in canada

Where To Find A Coaching Contract Template in Canada

When I decided to offer coaching services, I knew that I needed to find a contract to use. Although having a contract may seem like common sense, I messed up in my first business by not having a strong contract that addressed everything. My mistake cost me hundreds of dollars, a really big deal for my business at that time.

This time around, I decided to search for a coaching contract template, but most of what I found was based in the U.S.A. As a Canadian company, I wanted something that was created in Canada and protected my business. That’s when I found Online Legal Essentials.

Online Legal Essentials was created by Corinne Boudreau, a Nova Scotia lawyer, and offers guided legal templates for small business owners. The customizable Coaching Agreement Template was exactly what I needed, detailing the term, fees, scope, payment, and legal disclaimers that protect both me and my clients. I found it super easy to customize and insert into my client onboarding workflow.

The best part? This contract will protect you and your Canadian business, even when your clients are outside of Canada.

Why do you need a coaching contract?

Let’s back up for a minute and talk about why you need a contract when offering coaching services. Here are five reasons you should have this important document.

1 – Clear expectations: A coaching contract outlines what is expected from both the coach and the client. This helps to avoid misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

2 – Protection: A contract can protect both the coach and the client from any potential legal disputes. It can help to minimize the risk of any misunderstandings or disagreements that may arise during the coaching process.

3 – Professionalism: A coaching contract demonstrates that the coach is a professional and takes their work seriously. It also shows that they are committed to providing their clients with the best possible service.

4 – Accountability: A contract can help to hold both the coach and the client accountable for their actions. This can help to ensure that both parties are following through on their commitments.

5 – Trust: A coaching contract can help to build trust between the coach and the client. It shows that the coach is committed to providing quality service and is willing to be transparent about their expectations and responsibilities.

Always protect yourself

When you’re a business owner, your entire life is impacted by that business. A simple miscommunication can have major ramifications financially, legally, and personally. You need to Cover Your Ass, and using a coaching contract template is the best way to do that.

I’ve worked with many small business owners and I see a general lack of legal protection. I get it, legal fees are expensive. That’s why I love what Corinne has created with Online Legal Essentials. With this resource, you get access to the legal templates you need, at a fraction of the cost of going to a lawyer.

You can pick and choose different packages to get exactly you need. Or better yet, enroll in the Canadian Online Legal Template Library, which gives you access to all of the templates and the guided videos that go along with them. This option is only available a few times per year, and it’s currently open until May 30th, 2023. Your next chance to join will be in September.

As a coach, you want to help people succeed, but you also need to give yourself the best chance to succeed. A coaching contract is a big part of that success.

DISCLAIMER – I believe in Online Legal Essentials so much that I’ve joined the affiliate program. As such, I’ll receive a commission if you purchase through one of my links. I would promote this product whether or not I was an affiliate because it’s just that vital for business owners. Use code DEEPWOODS10 for 10% off your purchase.

Tip for small business owners: Joining affiliate programs is a great way to promote the products and services you love, make a little extra money, and gain networking opportunities. Learn about some other ways for business owners to network in this blog post.

coaching contract canada

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