everything is content

Everything Is Content

everything is content

Anyone on social media has heard it before, “Everything is content.”

What does that even mean? Do people really want to watch you get ready for your day, or typing at your computer, or stopping to get your favourite Tim Hortons drink? Yes, they do!

For a business owner, anything you do during the day can be turned into content for your social media channels.

Always Be Shooting Content

When you’re struggling to figure out what to post on social media, just remember ABSC. Always Be Shooting Content.

Even if you don’t know exactly how you plan to use it, taking pictures and video throughout the day will give you options and inspiration for posts. Set your phone on a tripod and record yourself sitting at the computer, taking phone calls, doing video chats, creating graphics, writing notes, etc. This footage can be used in your stories, in Reels, for TikToks, newsfeed posts, you name it.

For seasonal industries this is especially important. If you run a market garden or flower farm, you can’t run outside to take pictures of your product in the field during a snowstorm. Guides who offer snowmobile tours can’t capture videos of the snowmobiles on the trails when there isn’t snow. You need to constantly be taking pictures and video while you can. Take those “Day in the life” moments, those “this is how we do it” processes. They’ll give you content for the slow months.

If your business does summer fieldwork, take a camera into the field and record your day. You might think a picture or video of you collecting samples for water quality testing is boring as could be, but your audience will love it.

Should Everything Be Content?

I was watching a video from one of my favourite TikTok creators the other day. In it she talked about the idea that everything is content, but then she pointed out that it doesn’t need to be. There are parts of her life that she chooses not to make content about.

That’s an important thing to consider.

While everything is content, it doesn’t need to be. Draw a line. If you’re not comfortable showing your family on your business social media accounts, or they’re not comfortable being on them, don’t share.

Your content should be what you CHOOSE to share.

Making Time For It

Many people have told me that they just don’t have time to record during the day. Here’s the reality. It takes less than a minute to put your phone on timelapse and put it on a tripod or prop it up against something. You just have to remember.

Have employees? Ask them to capture content throughout the day. If you make it part of their job they’ll likely be more than happy to do it.

One easy trick to start with is to create a reminder on your phone for the same time every day. When it goes off, take a few pictures – a selfie, where you are, what you’re doing.

Once you get into the habit of ABSC, you’ll find that it’s easy to do.

Why Is It Important?

If you’re always shooting content then you’ll always have something available for your marketing campaigns. One of the hardest things with many social media campaigns is getting the right visuals that will connect with customers. When you’re always shooting content, there’s a lot more to choose from.

The everything is content philosophy helps you share your story and create a connection with your customers. Have you watched all the TikToks with the everything is content sound? They’re fantastic! They make you relatable to your target audience and that is the key!

On last reason it’s important is that it shows you (and your audience) how far you’ve come. Most of us business owners need to see that at some point.

So get your camera ready and remember to ABSC.

Do you need some help with social media? It might be time to hire a social media manager for your business. Don’t hesitate to reach out and we can talk about how this would help your business! Need content ideas? Download our 50 Content Ideas package.

everything is content

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