social media manager

Why Your Business Needs A Social Media Manager

social media manager

Deciding to hire a social media manager is a big step for your business. But, with the average adult spending 95 minutes a day on social media, can you afford to not have a strong presence? Once the realm of admin staff and summer interns, social media management has grown into a major industry and without one of these experts on your team, you may be missing out on a huge part of your target audience.

Here are six reasons that your business needs a social media manager.

Save You Time

How much time do you spend on social media in a week? Creating content, engaging with your community, staying on top of the latest changes…it all takes time. Your time is better spent doing the things you’re an expert at, such as creating new products, strengthening the services you offer, managing your team, and working on the other aspects of your business.

Instead of spending hours trying to come up with content, an expert in that area can do it for you. They have tools and systems in place for generating content.

Move Forward With A Strategy

Strategies save you time and money by clarifying your goals, the methods you’re going to put in place to reach them, and how you’re going to measure your results. A social media manager will curate posts and campaigns to reach your target audience and grow your following while increasing traffic and conversions.

A strategy involves knowing what KPIs (key performance indicators) to review in order to evaluate your ROI (return on investment). In other words, a social media manager will be able to let you know what is working, what isn’t working, and where your business’ efforts should be focused.

Stay Consistent

As a business owner it’s often hard to be consistent on social media. Your day is full of all the different pieces involved in running your business, and this is just one part of it that can be hard to make time for. However, showing up and being consistent is key to establishing a presence on social media. It’s the job of a social media manager to develop a plan for posting and follow through on it, removing that responsibility from your plate.

Consistency also applies to the branding, voice, and type of content. A potential customer may find you through a post that had information they were interested in. But if you never share that kind of content again, they’re unlikely to follow you or engage with your business. A social media manager will make sure there is consistency throughout your social media accounts, so your target audience will know it’s your post, without even checking the account name.

Create An Engaged Community

Engagement is so important on social media platforms. Responding to DMs, comments, and mentions is critical these days. Your followers want to feel like your business is there for them. They don’t want it to be a one-way street. It’s also important to engage with other accounts and develop connections with other businesses or influencers.

A social media manager can monitor your online community and engage with your audience. Of course, you will need to decide what you’re comfortable with someone else responding to and if there are things you’d prefer to handle yourself. Having someone else deal with negative comments or review can be beneficial to your mental health.

Get Ideas Out of Your Head

As an entrepreneur you have tons of ideas about how to market your business. You’re also busy and it’s hard to find time to sit down, focus, and turn those ideas into content. A social media manager can talk to you about your ideas and find ways to develop them and turn them into awesome content that reaches your target audience.

Find New Opportunities

Just as you stay up-to-date on the latest news in your industry, social media managers stay up-to-date with their industry. They know about new platforms, new features, and other new opportunities that can give your business an edge and connect better with your target audience.

When Not To Hire A Social Media Manager

If you don’t know your target audience or what your unique value as a company is, don’t hire a social media manager. They cannot come up with that information for you and this info is critical to developing your branding and strategy.

If giving up control of your social media will be a problem, don’t hire a social media manager. You need to trust that they are the expert and know what they’re doing. That doesn’t mean that you can’t eventually decide they aren’t the right fit for you. But you’ll need to give up control and let them do their job in order to fairly evaluate their performance.

Do you have visuals like photographs and videos? If not, you’ll need to get some or there’s no point in hiring a social media manager. They can do incredible work but they can’t work miracles. Stock images only go so far and it’s impossible to share your story without YOU.

If it’s time to take your business to the next level and take some work of your plate, you need a social media manager.

Reach out to discuss your needs and whether it’s time for you to hire a social media manager. Don’t forget that you should Always Be Shooting Content for your business.

social media manager

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